

冯焕成与尚雯婕合唱的什么英文歌 我是歌手尚雯婕唱的英文歌

2024-10-26 03:44 386229

The Monster,原版是蕾哈娜和埃米纳姆合作唱的中英文歌词如下:I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed  Get along with the voices inside of my head  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy (crazy)  I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek  Oh well, guess beggers can't be choosey  Wanted to receive attention for my music  Wanted to be left alone, public excuse me  Been wanting my cake, I need it too  Wanting it both ways  Fame may be a balloon cause my ego inflated  When I blew seep it was confusing  Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf  Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam  Hit the lottery (oh wee)  With what I gave up to get was bittersweet  It was like winning a huge meet  Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so big I need a shrink  I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep  Going cucko and cuckier as Kool Keith  But I'm actually weirder than you think  Cause I'm…  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed  Get along with the voices inside of my head  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy  Well, that's not fair  Well, that's not fair  Now I ain't much of a poet  But I know somebody once told me to seize the moment  And don't squander it  Cause you never know when it could all be over  Tomorrow so I keep conjuring  Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from  (Yeah, ponder it, do you wonder there's no wonder you're losing your mind the way you're brought up  I think you've been wandering off down yonder and stumbled upon Jeff VanVonderen  Cause I needed an intervention in this to intervene between me and this monster  And save me from myself and all this conflict  Cause the very things that I love is killing me and I can't conquer it  My OCD is clonking me in the head  Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking  I'm just relaying what the voice of my head saying  Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the…  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed  Get along with the voices inside of my head  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy  Well, that's not fair  Well, that's not fair  Call me crazy, but I had this vision  One day that I'd walk amongst you regular civilians  But until then drums get killed I'm coming straight at  Emcees, blood get spilled and I  Take it back to the days that I get on a Dre track  Give every kid who got played gat  Pumped the villian and sh*t that say back  To the kids who played ‘em  I ain't here to save the f*cking children  But if one kid out of a hundred million  Who are going through a struggle feels and relates that's great  It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back  In the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make that  Straw in the gold chump I will spend  Rumpelstiltskin in a hay stack  Maybe I need a straightjacket, face facts  I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that  It's nothing, I'm still friends with a…  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed  Get along with the voices inside of my head  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed  Get along with the voices inside of my head  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy  Well, that's not fair歌词翻译怪物我在怪物的朋友那是在我的床下相处在我的头里的声音你想救我不要屏住呼吸你觉得我疯了是啊,你认为我疯了(疯狂)我想要的名声,但不是新闻周刊的封面哦,猜乞丐不能挑剔要注意我的音乐想独处,公众原谅我一直希望我的蛋糕,我也需要想要两全其美名声可以引起我的自我膨胀的气球当我吹渗漏是混乱的因为所有我想做的是活页的李小龙滥用墨水,用它作为一种工具,当我吹蒸汽中了彩票(哦,Wee)我放弃了获得是苦乐参半它就像赢得一个巨大的满足具有讽刺意味的是因为我觉得我变得如此大,我需要一个收缩我开始失去的睡眠:一只羊,两只羊要cucko和cuckier Kool基思但我真的比你认为的更古怪因为我..我在怪物的朋友那是在我的床下相处在我的头里的声音你想救我不要屏住呼吸你觉得我疯了是啊,你认为我疯了嘿.这不公平嘿.这不公平现在我不多的诗人但我知道曾经有人告诉我抓住时机不要浪费时间因为你永远不知道什么时候会结束明天我将召唤有时我想知道这些想法从产卵(是的,思考它,你不知道有没有想你失去你的心你成长的路我认为你一直徘徊在那边,偶然发现了杰夫vanvonderen因为我需要在这一介入干预我和这个怪物之间拯救我,这一切冲突因为我爱的东西是杀害我,我不能战胜它我的强迫症是clonking在我的头上不停地敲门,没人在家,我梦游我只是转述的声音,我的头说不要拍摄的使者,我这个朋友…我在怪物的朋友那是在我的床下相处在我的头里的声音你想救我不要屏住呼吸你觉得我疯了是啊,你认为我疯了嘿.这不公平嘿.这不公平叫我疯了,但我想象有一天,我走在你常规的平民但是直到那时鼓被杀我是直接在今天,我得到了血把它放回的日子,我登上Dre音轨给每个孩子打了GAT泵浦的恶棍和SH*T说回来谁打他们的孩子我不是来拯救他*的孩子但是,如果一个孩子从一亿谁要奋斗出来的感觉是很好它的回报,罗素威尔逊落回来的路上在草案中,将不可能变为可能,还可以在金的傻瓜秸在干草垛也许我需要一件紧身衣,面对事实我喜欢真实的,但我同意没什么,我还是朋友..我在怪物的朋友那是在我的床下相处在我的头里的声音你想救我不要屏住呼吸你觉得我疯了是啊,你认为我疯了我在怪物的朋友那是在我的床下相处在我的头里的声音你想救我不要屏住呼吸你觉得我疯了是啊,你认为我疯了嘿.这不公平




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